I’m looking at integrating Grunt with Gradle by using the exec task.
Basically I’m trying to call this from Gradle: cmd /c grunt --no-color watch
If I run the above command it runs node.exe on my machine. As this Grunt task watches for particular file changes the process will not end. As soon as I hit Ctrl-C the command ends and also the node process is killed automatically.
When I run something similar from Gradle using the exec task:
I’m running into essentially the same issue. I’m experimenting with using gradle as a wrapper around some other build tools during a migration process, and I’m having gradle actually invoke ant using exec { … }. If I CTRL-C the gradle process, on Windows, the ant process continues to run but with its output going into a black hole. On Linux, where CTRL-C sends SIGINT to the process group, both gradle and the ant process terminate.