Error on ADT.JAR - Java returned: 10

This is a legacy product line using Gradle 4.6 and Java 1.8.0_191 (both jdk and jre). Until a week ago, we’ve had no issues building the product. No changes to the baseline. In fact, we restored branches from one and two years ago and they also will no longer build.

The ant script line that is failing is: java jar=“${ADT.JAR}” fork=“true” failonerror=“true”

The arguments associated with it have not changed in years and there is a self-signed certificate involved. The executable packaged in this step is the only application that is packaged with AIR, and it has not changed. In fact, we can do a gradle build in its folder without issue.

If we remove this particular app from the compile and deploy targets, the entire build succeeds.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

I’m unsure why you ask here.
You are using an ant task to call a jar for whatever reason and it fails to complete if I got you right.
So this has nothing to do with Gradle, except that you use it as launcher.
You probably have to check with whatever ADT.JAR is, or debug it to see what happens.