Hi, I’m trying use Gradle for build existing system.
I have: …
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDir ‘test/source/company/uat/test/t1/t2’
exclude(’/some_path/ ’)
include ‘package/p1/driver/myTypes/**/*’
} }
jar {
manifest {
attributes(testKey1: ‘firstValue’, testKey1: ‘secondValue’)
archiveName = ‘myjarname.jar’ }
The build is running without any problem, but in the end I have empy jar file - it’s contains only:
What I’m going wrong? Thank you for your help!
(René Groeschke)
June 7, 2013, 11:25pm
Can you put example code in a <code>" tag in the future?
Two thoughts about your snippet. First of all
srcDir 'test/source/company/uat/test/t1/t2'
will add an directory to the already (default) configured source dirs. want you really want might be
srcDirs = [ 'test/source/company/uat/test/t1/t2' ]
I think your jar is empty, because you might have declared the wrong exclude/include pattern. can you check that the java classes you expect to be compiled end up in the build/main/classes directory.
cheers, René