EAR with Custom Application.xml

Hi Everyone,

We have a EAR project With Customized application.xml, I have a gradle script to build the EAR which in turn generates default application.xml. But i want to use my customized application.xml in the source code.
How can i tell gradle to use my customized application.xml for the EAR project.

My story:

Attempt#1 the naive newbie approach

ear {
  deploymentDescriptor {
    readFrom "${buildDir}/application.xml"
ear.dependsOn "buildApplicationXml"

task buildApplicationXml() {
  doLast {
    // generate "${buildDir}/application.xml"

=> Failed: file does not exist at evaluation time, so you silently get the automatically generated one instead


Attempt#957 ConfigurableFileCollection

ear {
  deploymentDescriptor {
    readFrom files("${buildDir}/application.xml") {
      builtBy "buildDeploymentApplication"

task buildApplicationXml() {
  doLast {
    // generate "${buildDir}/application.xml"

=> Failed: gradle still check the file at evaluation time, so error: does not exist :exploding_head:

Attempt#958 so… you said you won’t eat my application.xml?

ear {
  exclude "application.xml"
ear.dependsOn "buildApplicationXml"
ear.finalizedBy "includeApplicationXml"

task buildApplicationXml() {
  doLast {
    // generate "${buildDir}/META-INF/application.xml"

task includeDeploymentApplication {
  doLast {
    ant.jar(update: "true", destfile: "${buildDir}/libs/${project.ear.archiveName}") {
      fileset(dir: "${buildDir}", includes: "META-INF/application.xml")

=> :partying_face:

Do let me know if you have found a better solution than my brute force “hack”…
