I’m trying to write a plugin to dynamically create a task which explodes a zip file dependency into a folder with the same name as the zip file. I’m also keen for the task to ‘know’ if the target folder is already up-to-date, and consequently do nothing.
In order for the up-to-date check to work the task will need to know about the zip file, and will also need to know where that zip file will be unpacked. However this is unknown at the point the task is created.
I’ve been struggling for days with writing a plugin to achieve this.
class PackedDependency {
final String name
String unpack_path
public PackedDependency(String dep_name) {
name = dep_name
unpack_path = dep_name
class UnpackDependencyTask extends DefaultTask {
private PackedDependency dependency
File zippedDependency
File infoFile
void setDependency(PackedDependency dep) {
dependency = dep
void run() {
infoFile = new File(project.projectDir.path + "/../" + dependency.unpack_path + "/version_info.txt")
def dep_name = dependency.unpack_path
project.configurations.compile.each { File f ->
if (f.name.endsWith(".zip")) {
if (f.name.contains(dep_name)) {
println "Unpacking '$dep_name'."
project.copy {
from project.zipTree(f)
into project.projectDir.path + "/../" + dep_name
infoFile.write("Unpacked from: " + f.name)
class PackagingPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
def packedDependency = project.container(PackedDependency)
packedDependency.all { p ->
def unpack_task = project.task("unpack" + p.name, type: UnpackDependencyTask)
unpack_task.dependsOn project.configurations.compile
project.extensions.packedDependency = packedDependency
project(':framework') {
configurations {
apply plugin: PackagingPlugin
repositories {
ivy {
url "..."
dependencies {
compile "group:external-lib:1.0.+:Release@zip"
packedDependency {
ExternalLib { unpack_path = "external-lib" }
I suspect that I need to populate the zippedDependency and infoFile properties before the task is run, but I’ve no idea how to achieve that. Can anyone please help?