I have a plugin and I am trying to dynamically modify the publishing { repositories { … } } configuration (from ivy-publish). The idea is that a user will configure publishing { publications { … } } without having to worry about setting up the repositories. How can this be done?
Here are things that I have attempted:
Custom plugin:
void configurePublishing(project) {
logger.info("Configuring publishing.repositories");
// method A
/*project.plugins.withType(IvyPublishPlugin) {
PublishingExtension myext = project.extensions.findByType(PublishingExtension);
// method B
project.plugins.withType(IvyPublishPlugin) {
project.extensions.configure PublishingExtension, new ClosureBackedAction( {
publications {
repositories(IvyPublication) {
project.publishing.repositories.add project.repositories.getByName("local")
project.publishing.repositories.add project.repositories.getByName("prerelease-put")
void configureTasks(project) {
logger.info("Adding task 'publish-local'");
Gradle gradle = project.getGradle();
//gradle.afterProject {
project.task('publish-local', group:'publishing',
description: 'Publishes Ivy publication ivy to Ivy repository local',
dependsOn:'publishIvyPublicationToLocalRepository') {
doLast {
println 'publishing to ' + publishing.repositories.getByName("local").url
logger.info("Adding task 'publish-prerelease'");
project.task('publish-prerelease', group:'publishing',
description: 'Publishes Ivy publication ivy to Ivy repository prerelease',
dependsOn:'publishIvyPublicationToPrerelease-putRepository') {
doLast {
println 'publishing to ' + publishing.repositories.getByName("prerelease-put").url
project.gradle.taskGraph.whenReady {
logger.info("Prepending logic to task 'publishIvyPublicationToPrerelease-putRepository'");
project.tasks.getByName("publishIvyPublicationToPrerelease-putRepository").doFirst {
if ((!project.ext.has("allowPublish") || !project.ext.allowPublish) && (!"true".equalsIgnoreCase(System.getProperty("allowPublish")))) {
throw new GradleException("Publishing to artifactory is disabled for local builds. Please use jenkins.")
project that applies plugin configuration:
// plugin applied earlier...
publishing {
publications {
ivy(IvyPublication) {
from components.java
descriptor {
withXml {
// Remove default configurations in lieu of our own
project.configurations.each { conf ->
def appendConfig = [name: conf.name, visibility: conf.isVisible()? "public" : "private", description:conf.description]
def appendExtends = conf.extendsFrom.collect({ it.name }).join(",")
if (appendExtends.length() > 0) {
appendConfig["extends"] = appendExtends
asNode().configurations[0].appendNode('conf', appendConfig)
artifacts.each( { it.conf = "master, runtime" } )
// Want this portion to be automatic
/*repositories {
add project.repositories.getByName("local")
add project.repositories.getByName("prerelease-put")
Method A gives the following complaint: > Caused by: org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException: Cannot configure the ‘publishing’ extension after it has been accessed.
I believe this is because of this comment at http://www.gradle.org/docs/current/javadoc/org/gradle/api/publish/PublishingExtension.html “Any use that accesses the publishing extension as an instance does require the publishing extension to be realised, forcing all configuration blocks to be evaluated.”
Method B appears to create duplicate tasks: > gradle tasks > … > Publishing tasks > ---------------- > generateDescriptorFileForIvyPublication - Generates the Ivy Module Descriptor XML file for publication ‘ivy’. > generateDescriptorFileForRepositoriesPublication - Generates the Ivy Module Descriptor XML file for publication ‘repositories’. > publish - Publishes all publications produced by this project. > publish-local - Publishes Ivy publication ‘ivy’ to Ivy repository ‘local’ > publish-prerelease - Publishes Ivy publication ‘ivy’ to Ivy repository ‘prerelease’ > publishIvyPublicationToLocalRepository - Publishes Ivy publication ‘ivy’ to Ivy repository ‘local’. > publishIvyPublicationToPrerelease-putRepository - Publishes Ivy publication ‘ivy’ to Ivy repository ‘prerelease-put’. > publishRepositoriesPublicationToLocalRepository - Publishes Ivy publication ‘repositories’ to Ivy repository ‘local’. > publishRepositoriesPublicationToPrerelease-putRepository - Publishes Ivy publication ‘repositories’ to Ivy repository ‘prerelease-put’.
Is there a gradle hook to modify configurations as they are created (aka my publishing { … } in the project)? Is what I am attempting to do even possible?