Hi there,
I currently have a module A that declares a dependency on B using dynamic version 2.+.
When I publish module A at version 1.1 , its module metadata file has replaced the dynamic version with the resolved version at the time of publication. i.e A.module file B has requires 2.1.1
Desired Functionality
When another module, C declares a dependency on A at version 1.1 we would like the transitive dependency on B to be dynamic i,e. use 2.+. (Note: ideally this would be automatic based on the module metadata of A rather than requiring any specific configuration for B in module C)
Actual Functionality
When another module, C declares a dependency on A at version 1.1 the resolved version of B, ie 2.1.1 from the A.module file is used.
Can my desired functionality be achieved either with module metadata or some other mechanism such that the dynamic version of a transitive dependency is always used?