I have a third party jar in nexus. I have a requirement to
- Download the jar from Nexus using jenkins pipeline.
- Add or remove class files of the downloaded jar
- Upload it back to nexus with new version.
I got the first step, but not able to implement next steps.
configurations {
dependencies {
copyConf "jarfiletobeupdated"
task copyTask(type: Copy) {
File tempPath = new File("$buildDir/tmp/patch/")
File dir = new File("$tempPath/downloads");
from configurations.copyConf
into "$dir"
println "Downloading .... "+'$copyConf'
println "JAR DOWNLOADED "+dir
exec {
commandLine 'which', 'ls'
workingDir '/opt/app/workspace/ORG/Project/build/tmp/patch/downloads'
commandLine 'ls', '-lrt' //Here it shows the downloaded jar
//Need logic to add some class files that I have in a Set
// Need logic to delete classes that I have in another Set
// Upload the updated jar back to nexus with new version
Can someone help with this.