in several projects we’re using gradle and for some of them I need to set different proxies. I tried putting a into the projects whose configurations need to be different from the global ~/.gradle/ but it doesn’t seem to work. Is there a way to avoid changing the parameters systemProp.http.proxyHost, systemProp.http.proxyPort, systemProp.http.nonProxyHosts in ~/.gradle/ all the time?
Properties in the per-user override properties in the per-build If you only put proxy settings into per-build, it should work fine. Another solution would be to conditionally set proxy settings in the per-user, for example based on the project’s name.
I tried the first solution and it does not work on my machine (Mac OS). I have a config in ~/.gradle/ only defining org.gradle.daemon=true and I guess that should not override the systemProp.http.proxyHost, systemProp.http.proxyPort, systemProp.http.nonProxyHosts parameters, right? Could it be linked to the daemon somehow?