Deprecated Dynamic Properties and Plugins


I have recently upgrade from gradle 0.9.2 to gradle 1.4 and I am seeing the following errors in my console when I run the build.

Deprecated dynamic property: “doAfter” on “task ‘:ideaModule’”, value: “…”. Deprecated dynamic property: “doAfter” on “task ‘:ideaProject’”, value: “…”. Deprecated dynamic property: “doAfter” on “task ‘:ideaWorkspace’”, value: “…”.


I am aware that for properties I set myself I now need to use the ext mechanism, however if I am not mistaken, the errors above are coming from the plugins themselves? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards Brian

I don’t think this comes from a plugin that ships with Gradle. Sounds like someone wrote ‘doAfter’ instead of ‘doLast’.

Thanks for the reply, I think I managed to track it down.