Want to create my own task, that would deploy artifacts to specific(release or snapshot) repo using maven-publish.
Problem is there are two repos - release and snapshot.
Maven-publish create automatically tasks for each repos,
I have did this way:
project.publishing {
publications {
labels.each { info ->
"model${info.name}"(MavenPublication) {
artifactId "${extension.modelArtifactPrefix}${info.lower}"
artifact project.tasks."${info.lower}Jar"
artifact project.tasks."source${info.name}Jar"
repositories {
maven { name "release"; auth 'release-local'; url extension.releaseRepository }
maven { name "snapshot"; auth 'snapshot-local'; url extension.snapshotRepository }
and here is my custom task
def deliverTask = project.task('modelDeliver')
deliverTask.dependsOn project.tasks.matching {
it.name.endsWith('ToMavenLocal') || it.name.endsWith('ToSnapshotRepository')
deliverTask.group = 'Model release'
deliverTask.description = 'Build new version of model and put it to maven'
The problem is at that moment when my custom task “modelDeliver” is creating - there is no any tasks that match condition it.name.endsWith(‘ToSnapshotRepository’)
Any suggestions how to initiate deploying to snapshot repo by my own task?