My colleague developed an interesting little problem for gradle and I’m trying to explain it to him. I have done a search, and found some similar, I didn’t find something that solves the problem. Here it is:
caseTwo has three subprojects, alpha, bravo, and charlie
alpha depends on charlie
charlie depends on bravo
if your run gradle hello, you see the expected results:
gradle hello
Hello, I'm bravo
Hello, I'm charlie
Hello, I'm alpha
But, these projects also have a compile dependency
alpha has a compile dependency on charlie.jar
charlie has a compile dependency on bravo.jar
if you run gradle build, you get an error:
gradle build
:bravo:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
:charlie:compileJava UP-TO-DATE
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not find group:extlibs,
module:charlie, version:.
Required by:
The caseThree jar is very similar, but uses alphabetic ordering
bravo dependsOn alpha
charlie dependsOn bravo
gradle hello shows the dependencies:
Hello, I’m alpha
Hello, I’m bravo
Hello, I’m charlie
gradle build runs to completion.
It looks to me like dependsOn is broken… maybe somewhere in the engine it resorts to alphabetic ordering… what do you think? Am I missing something? Is there a different way to do this?
Here’s the build.gradle file for case two:
subprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
task hello << {Task task ->
println "Hello, I'm $"
Here’s the build.gradle in alpha
repositories {
flatDir name: 'extlibs', dirs: ["../charlie/build/libs"]
dependencies {
compile 'extlibs:charlie'
Thanks in advance and let me know if I’m leaving something useful out.