Dependency problem

Hello everybody,

I have the folowing error when I do “gradlew :release:buildReleaseZip” on my Hibernate source code project. Any ideas how to resolve this please ? Or can you explain me what’s happening.


FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong: Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:documentation:jdocbookStyles’. > Could not resolve group:org.jboss.pressgang, module:pressgang-jdocbook-style, version:3.0.0.

Required by:


Could not GET ‘’.

Could not GET ‘’.

  • Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.


Try running the build with ‘–refresh-dependencies --info’. This should give you a hint about what Gradle is trying to download.

It looks to me that org.jboss.pressgang:pressgang-jdocbook-style:3.0.0 is not available in any of your declared repositories.

Ok, will try that.

Could you please explain me the difference between this “gradlew clean install” and “gradlew :release:buildReleaseZip” in any case I can get final .jars right ?

Without knowing your build script, I can’t tell you what those tasks do. But I would suggest reading the Gradle User Guide and checking out the DSL Docs to get a good idea of how things work.