dependecyCheck not scanning Json files

Hi, I am new to use OWASP dependecyCheck plugin’s . Please suggest how to achieve the requirement

I have customised Json file in such a way that it includes project dependencies information. How the gradle plugin read and use dependency information to generate dependecyCheck report

JSON file:

  "groupId" : "org.apache.logging.log4j",
  "artifactId" : "log4j-to-slf4j",
  "version" : "2.11.2"

}, {
  "groupId" : "org.apache.logging.log4j",
  "artifactId" : "log4j-api",
  "version" : "2.11.2"

}, {
  "groupId" : "org.slf4j",
  "artifactId" : "jul-to-slf4j",
  "version" : "1.7.26"