Delay in the appRunDebug task

I’m using gradle with the gretty plugin org.akhikhl.gretty: gretty: 2.0 using a java project with bd oracle and jndi and delay when the project starts in the development environment

My grety config
gretty {
servletContainer = ‘jetty9’
httpPort = 8080
contextPath = ‘/prueba’
enableNaming = true
debugPort = 4001
debugSuspend = false
loggingLevel = ‘ALL’
jvmArgs = [’’
onScanFilesChanged = [{List files->
println “Some of the files changed: $files”
scanDependencies = true
fastReload = true
scanInterval = 0
managedClassReload = false
reloadOnClassChange = false
reloadOnConfigChange = false
reloadOnLibChange = false

The Log

11:51:13 DEBUG Looking up name=“org.akhikhl.gretty.JettyWebAppContext@6970140a”
11:51:13 DEBUG InitialContextFactory.getInitialContext()
11:51:13 DEBUG Created initial context delegate for local namespace:org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.local.localContextRoot@273842a6
11:51:13 DEBUG InitialContextFactory.getInitialContext()
11:51:13 DEBUG Created initial context delegate for local namespace:org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.local.localContextRoot@6a969fb8
11:51:13 DEBUG Looking up name="__/UserTransaction"
11:51:13 DEBUG Looking up name=“UserTransaction”
11:51:40 DEBUG InitialContextFactory.getInitialContext()
11:51:40 DEBUG Created initial context delegate for local namespace:org.eclipse.jetty.jndi.local.localContextRoot@675ffd1d
11:51:40 DEBUG InitialContextFactory.getInitialContext()

Delay after user transaction 27 seconds , please help