Background: I am working on a gradle plugin wherethe user specifies an SDK version in an extension object. Based upon this version, I download the SDK in a task, and read a json file (shipped with the SDK) which specifies the dependencies of the SDK. These dependencies are in the standard gradle dependency notation. Because I download the SK in a task, I don’t have access to the dependency json file until the execution phase. CUrrently I have a ‘resolvSDKDeps’ task which the compile task depends on, which adds the dependencies to the compile configuration. However, the dependencies don’t show up when I run ‘gradle dependencies’ nor are the dependencies detected by any IDEs when i try to import the project. (using the IDE integration, not the gradle IDE plugins).
now for the actual question: Is it viable to continue to grab the dependencies at execution time with a task? or should I be trying to download the SDK and add the dependencies in the evaluation phase?