Definining dependencies in a task


Background: I am working on a gradle plugin wherethe user specifies an SDK version in an extension object. Based upon this version, I download the SDK in a task, and read a json file (shipped with the SDK) which specifies the dependencies of the SDK. These dependencies are in the standard gradle dependency notation. Because I download the SK in a task, I don’t have access to the dependency json file until the execution phase. CUrrently I have a ‘resolvSDKDeps’ task which the compile task depends on, which adds the dependencies to the compile configuration. However, the dependencies don’t show up when I run ‘gradle dependencies’ nor are the dependencies detected by any IDEs when i try to import the project. (using the IDE integration, not the gradle IDE plugins).

now for the actual question: Is it viable to continue to grab the dependencies at execution time with a task? or should I be trying to download the SDK and add the dependencies in the evaluation phase?


Doing this in the configuration phase is not an option, as it would then happen for every single build invocation.

But then is there any way to define the dependencies during the execution phase in such a way that ‘dependencies’ task detects the dependencies? like an afterEvaluate{} block? or is that just as bad as the configuration phase?

Its worth mentioning that users define their SDK version with 2 fields, Base version, and API version, and so the actual version of the API is resolved between these two separate versions during the afterEvaluate{} block.

‘afterEvaluate’ is run in the configuration phase.

I can think of two potential solutions to your problem:

  • Keep configuring dependencies with a task, and make tasks such as ‘dependencies’, ‘eclipseClasspath’, and ‘ideaModule’ depend on that task.

  • Ship the dependency list (also) with the plugin. Then the plugin can configure the dependencies in the configuration phase.