I have a Java project and this task:
If I run this task twice it will be up-to-date the second time. This is all god.
Now if a change my Java code then the classes task is NOT up-to-date. So the code i compiled. So far so good.
The problem is that my task convertEgl2Cobol is still up-to-date. But how can this be?? The tasks it depends on is NOT up-to-date so this should not be up-to-date either.
The inputs and outputs does change in this case.
Can someone help me understand why this incremental build does not work the way I think it should.
Im using Gradlew 3.2 on Windows 7.
task convertEgl2Cobol(dependsOn: classes) {
description 'Converts EGL to Cobol.'
group 'convert'
MODEL_LIST.split(',').each{ model ->
javaexec {
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
main = 'dk.xact.translate.TranslateXactSample'
args model.trim()
jvmArgs = ['-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8', '-Xms8g', '-Xmx16g']
inputs.dir fileTree(dir: EGL_SOURCE_DIR, include: '**/*.egl')
outputs.dir OUTPUT_PATH + '/generated'
doFirst {
delete OUTPUT_PATH + '/generated'