Here is the code of my working task:
def thisProject = project
task copyAppForDocker << {
project.rootProject.allprojects { p ->
p.plugins.withType(EarPlugin) {
def appRoot = "${thisProject.projectDir}/applications"
def dir = new File(appRoot)
if (!dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs()
def src = new File("${p.ear.archivePath}")
def dst = new File("${appRoot}/${p.ear.archiveName}")
dst << src.bytes
project.tasks.deployDocker.dependsOn project.tasks.copyAppForDocker
Originally I declared my task as project.task(‘copyAppForDocker’)
When I did this the task was called every time I did a build or clean. As soon as I change the task declaration to “task copyAppForDocker <<” it stopped doing it and only executed when I called it.