I have a project where at the end of the build I assemble files in a zip archive. The problem is that it works fine on my development machine, but not on the production Jenkins, and I don’ know how to investigate what is going on. The two machines are setup identically.
Does anyone have any suggestions about what I could do to fix this? Thanks in advance!
What works on both machines:
task assemble(type: Zip) {
subprojects.each { subproject ->
dependsOn subproject.build
def app = "foo"
into("${subproject.context}") {
from subproject.file("_build/default/lib/${app}/out")
What works only on the dev machine:
task assemble(type: Zip) {
subprojects.each { subproject ->
dependsOn subproject.build
into("${subproject.context}") {
from subproject.fileTree("_build/default/lib/").matching { include '**/*.beam', '**/*.app' }.files