I’m using distZip to produce a zipped distribution of my project. The current task creates a zip file with a single directory at the root called MyProject-version. Is there a way to change this to MyProject? (i.e. lose the trailing version number)
Changing archiveName appears to set both the zipfile’s name and the internal root directory. I was hoping to keep the zipfile versioned and the internal root directory not. Is this possible?
Sorry, I misunderstood you. I assume you using distZip from application or distribution plugins?
That might be a bit harder due to the way the copySpec is created when the plugin is applied. I have not tested the following, but maybe that works for you.
A simple workaround would be to set the archiveName to be what you want the internal root to be named, and then change the archive file name in a doLast at the end.
Thanks, I took the approach of renaming the archive in a doLast like so:
distZip {
//The target zipfile name should be versioned but
//internal root directory not. By default the distZip
//task uses the same property (archiveName) for
//both. To workaround, suppress the version in
//the archiveName property (by setting version = null)
//then, once the task is complete, we rename the
//zip as a post-processing step to add the version
//back on.
//note that archivePath is a derived property.
//its return value is sensitive to the version
//property (among others).
def versionedPath = archivePath
version = null
doLast {
I’m not a huge fan of this approach since it relies on mutating external variables to infer the archive name, but it seems to be the simplest/most generic. It would be nicer to have a way of just configuring these values once.