Dear Community,
I am new to maven and gradle.
I installed maven and gradle and tried to build test using ‘gradle build’.
Unfortunately I got the error below.
Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:compile’.
Could not resolve commons-collections:commons-collections:4.0.
Required by:
Could not GET 'http://repo1. ~~~~
Connection to refused
My development environment is a closed network. So I tried to use ‘mavenLocal’. This is a relevant parts of my build.gradle file.
apply plugin: ‘java’
commonColVersion = ‘4.0’ junitVersion = ‘4.+’
repositories {
mavenLocal() }
dependencies {
compile “commons-collections:commons-collections:$commonColVersion”
testCompile “junit:junit:$junitVersion” }
And this is a relevant parts of maven configrations(settings.xml) D:\project\helloGradle\000.project.lib.repositories
I moved jar file (commons-collections4-4.0.jar file) to
Any help is appreciated. Please let me help.
Best Regards,