Could not find property 'myTask' on task ':jar'


I try to add the output result of a task to the jar-fragment. The task derives from “JoinWsdlTask”, a custom task class which builds a single-file wsdl out of a bunch of wsdl/xsd fragments. Unfortunately I am not able to refer to the task from within the project. The task is listed on “groovy tasks” and can be executed without any problems.

I stripped down my example to a short gradle build which shows the same behaviour.

apply plugin: ‘java’

sourceCompatibility = 1.6

jar {

dependsOn myTask

//from myTask.outputFile


task myTask {

group “build”

description “Führt die WSDL Fragmente des Produktservices zusammen”


Please help!

jar {
   dependsOn 'myTask'
  //from myTask.outputFile

You forgot the quotes. The task “myTask” is defined after the dependsOn so you need to use quotes to tell gradle that the task “myTask” is not defined yet.