Corrupt artifact cache?

Gradle Version: 3.0 (daemon: yes, parallel: no)
Operating System: Linux (Haven’s seen it on Windows so far)
Is this a regression? Yes. 2.14.1 worked reliably.

I get this error sometimes after switching to 3.0:
Could not read entry '8b0d596f5e9f300999c8d875c350bf9d,' from cache module-metadata.bin (/home/remon/.gradle/caches/modules-2/metadata-2.17/module-metadata.bin)

The next time I run Gradle after this error, dependency resolution takes very long, but eventually everything works.

Hi Rémon,

It is hard to say where this might originate from if it only occurs sporadically. We might have touched code that could be related to your problem for 3.1.

Would you mind checking if this is still reproducible with 3.1 RC1?