(Scott Palmer)
September 25, 2013, 1:20am
In code that works with Gradle 1.7 and I think 1.8-rc-1 (maybe also rc-2) I have a copy task configured like so:
task setupBaseSDK(type: Copy, dependsOn: [configurations.baseZip]) {
into stagingDir
from { configurations.baseZip.findAll { it.name.endsWith(".zip") }.collect { zipTree(it) } }
from { configurations.repoClientZip.findAll { it.name.endsWith(".zip") }.collect { zipTree(it) } } { into ‘RepositoryClient’ }
With Gradle 1.8 it claims to be UP-TO-DATE even though the destination directory is missing all of the files from the zips.
Did you do a clean build after bumping the Gradle version? I’d be surprised if anything changed here. Also ‘dependsOn repoClientZip’ appears to be missing.
(Scott Palmer)
September 25, 2013, 5:15pm
Yes I did do a clean build. But maybe I need to manually delete things like the .gradle folder?
Normally it shouldn’t be necessary to delete other stuff. Are you saying that a clean build now results in an “empty” copy? Maybe something’s wrong with the configurations or their contents then?
(Scott Palmer)
September 25, 2013, 5:35pm
I’ve added the dependency and deleted my ~/.gradle folder , then I did a clean build… same problem. Works fine with 1.7.
(Scott Palmer)
September 25, 2013, 5:39pm
Fixed it… needed to delete the .gradle folder from the parent project directory.
Ouch. I’ve raised GRADLE-2898 for this. Thanks for reporting.