Hi. I’m trying to copy some git files that start with a dot (like .gitignore) with a copy task.
But they get simply ignored. I’m trying like this:
task copyTemplateFiles(type: Copy, dependsOn: initGradle) {
from (projectDir) {
include ".gitattributes"
include ".gitignore"
from "template"
into destiontionDir
And also like this:
task copyTemplateFiles(type: Copy, dependsOn: initGradle) {
from (projectDir) {
include "**/*.gitattributes"
include "**/*.gitignore"
from "template"
into destiontionDir
Issue tracking moved to GitHub, so many of the original JIRA links don’t work, but you can still search for just about any Gradle issue by ID, such as GRADLE-1883 and get the original result from the archive.
However, at this point, the documentation has the official supported method: Working with Files: Change Default Excludes. I believe the work-around in the issue should trigger a warning now.