dependencies {
// Example: external library
implementation 'com.example:my-external-library:1.0.0'
// Define the destination directory for the copied files
def destinationDir = file("$buildDir/copied-library-files")
// Create a task to copy files from the external library
task copyLibraryFiles(type: Copy) {
// Ensure this task runs after dependencies are resolved
dependsOn 'resolveDependencies'
// Get the configuration for the external library
def libraryConfiguration = configurations.implementation
// Find the JAR/AAR file for the specific library
def libraryFile = libraryConfiguration.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.find { == 'com.example' && == 'my-external-library'
// Check if the library file was found
if (libraryFile != null) {
// Copy files from the library to the destination directory
from zipTree(libraryFile) {
// Specify which files/folders to include (e.g., "assets/", "config.txt")
include 'assets/**', 'config.txt'
into destinationDir
} else {
println "Library file not found: com.example:my-external-library"
// Make sure the copy task runs before the build process
preBuild.dependsOn copyLibraryFiles
I have an external library that has some assets in it. I would like a gradle task that copies it to another directory in my Android project. I tried the above code and it doesn’t work.
I get this error
Resolving dependency configuration ‘implementation’ is not allowed as it is defined as ‘canBeResolved=false’.
Instead, a resolvable (‘canBeResolved=true’) dependency configuration that extends ‘implementation’ should be resolved.
If I try configurations.runtimeClasspath that also doesn’t work.
Could not get unknown property ‘runtimeClasspath’ for configuration container of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.configurations.DefaultConfigurationContainer.
runtimeClasspath would be an option in a normal project.
But Android projects are always special and I think it depends on variants and so on.
You can list the resolvable configurations using the resolvableConfigurations task.
But actually doing this is anyway not really a good idea.
Using this you resolve the configuration way too early and also then get problems when trying to later add some new dependencies.
One way to achieve what you want would be an artifact transform.
But this is most usable if you need it from multiple dependencies.
In this case working with a configuration and unzipping might be an appropriate simplification, but:
you almost never want Copy or copy { ... } but Sync or sync { ... } unless you want to copy to a place where other files are already in and need to stay
use a separate dependency scope configuration where you declare only that one dependency on, then use a separate resolvable non-transitive cofiguration that extends it, this will then resolve to exactly this one archive file, no need for filtering or anything, you can just use the singleFile property on the configuration
do not use a Copy or Sync task, but a typeless task, declare its inputs (the resolvable configuration) and outputs (the directory) explicitly and then then use a copy { ... } or better sync { ... } inside a doLast { ... } action, then you do not need to prematurely resolve the configuration and can simply do the zipTree on theResolvableConfiguration.singleFile
do not use $buildDir but layout.buildDirectory.dir(...)
the explicit dependsOn looks fishy, but it is hard to tell without more information about the build, generally any explicit dependsOn that does not have a lifecycle task on the left-hand side is a code smell and even if it has it might be wrong if the semantics are wrong; why do you have to “Make sure the copy task runs before the build process”? Is there some task that needs the files there, then mark your unpack task as input for that task. Are those files resources, then configure the unpack task assrcDir for the according resources source directory set, that makes the outputs of the task being treated properly as resources by all tasks consuming sources which then also automatically have the necessary task dependencies, …
Also consider switching to Kotlin DSL. By now it is the default DSL, you immediately get type-safe build scripts, acutally helpful error messages if you mess up the syntax, and amazingly better IDE support if you use a good IDE like IntelliJ IDEA or Android Studio.
Thank you for your response. I have tried this and no luck.
configurations {
// This configuration will only contain the external library
externalLibraryDependency {
canBeResolved = false // We don't need to resolve this directly
canBeConsumed = false // We don't want other projects to consume this
// This configuration will be resolvable and non-transitive, extending the above
myExternalLibrary {
extendsFrom externalLibraryDependency
canBeResolved = true
transitive = false
dependencies {
myExternalLibrary "com.example:my-external-library:1.0.0"
// Define a typeless task to copy assets
task copyExternalLibraryAssets {
// Declare the input (the resolvable configuration)
// Declare the output (the directory)
def destinationDir = file("$projectDir/src/main/assets/external_assets")
// Use a Sync task inside a doLast action
doLast {
def libraryFile = configurations.myExternalLibrary.singleFile
sync {
from zipTree(libraryFile)
into destinationDir
include "assets/**" // Include all files and folders within the assets directory
// Make sure the copy task runs before the build
preBuild.dependsOn copyExternalLibraryAssets
And it doesn’t work. Gives error like Cannot reference a Gradle script object from a Groovy closure as these are not supported with the configuration cache
your dependency is wrong, it should be on externalLibraryDependency, not myExternalLibrary
as you should not use $buildDir you should also not use $projectDir, but layout...
as I said before, you should not write into src/main/assets and declare explicit dependencies that it happened in time, but instead properly wire the task, however that is done for assets in an Android build
Well, the error might be correct in that this is not CC compatible how you wrote it.
You also did not mention CC before.
The problem is most probably the zipTree call which happens on project of the script object.
You probably have to get hold of an ArchiveOperations instance instead if that is the reason.