Converting makefile to gradle build - linking pre-compiled objects?

I was able to use a task:Exec in order to execute our Intel Fortran compiler to build a single source program.
I’m trying to force the linkage task to depend on the exec task doing the compilation since there is no fortran support.

Any insights from gradle/groovy experts much appreciated.

// build.gradle
apply plugin: 'c'
def compileFortran(name) {
    println '## compileFortran'
    task("$name", type:Exec) {
        println "## compile $name"
        executable "sh"
        args "-c", "ifort -i2 --c -o obj/${name}.o ${name}.f -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/include"

def statLib(libpath) {
    binaries.withType(StaticLibraryBinary) {
        staticLibraryFile = file("$libpath")

model {
    task compileFort {

    //linkBank002Executable {
    //    println '### linkBank002Executable'

    repositories {
        lib(PrebuiltLibraries) {
            libNEWCore { statLib("/work/build_new/lib/libNEWCore.a") }
            libDISC2 { statLib("/work/build_new/lib/libDISC2.a") }
            libDISC_dbg { statLib("/work/build_new/lib/libDISC_dbg.a") }
            libisam { statLib("/usr/lib/libisam.a") }
            libc { statLib("/lib/libc.a") }
            libm { statLib("/lib/libm.a") }

    components {
        bank002(NativeExecutableSpec) {
            sources {
                c {
                    builtBy tasks.compileFort
                    //source {
                    //    srcDir "."
                    //    include "*.o"

            binaries.all {
                tasks.assemble.dependsOn tasks.compileFort
                lib library: 'libNEWCore', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'libDISC2', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'libDISC_dbg', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'libisam', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'libc', linkage: 'static'
                lib library: 'libm', linkage: 'static'