We have two servers (S1 and S2) that mirror certain maven repos (they both serve the same purpose). Each one is only accessible from a subnet/cluster (C1 and C2). Our configuration simply lists them in order:
maven {
name = "S1"
url = "https://our-s1"
// ...
maven {
name = "S2"
url = "https://our-s2"
// ...
This seems to fail because machines in cluster C2 can’t access S1, which is the first repo to resolve.
I have tried reducing the timeouts:
-Dorg.gradle.internal.http.socketTimeout=2000 -Dorg.gradle.internal.http.connectionTimeout=2000
But still, C2’s builds are interrupted due to S1 not being accessible.
Is there a way to configure this in gradle, or do we need to do some outside configuration, such as DNS resolution, env configuration or similar?
I haven’t found any solution in gradle, but perhaps I am missing some configuration options.