Configure Maven repository by code

Hi there!

as of version 4.10 Gradle supports token authentication via HTTP headers which has to be configured in the following manner:

maven {
url = “…”
credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials) {
name = credentials_name
value = credentials_value
authentication {

So far, so good. My goal, however, is to configure such a maven repository by using a function

repository = {String name -> ...}

I managed to configure url and credentials but I am not able to configure the Authenatication correctly. What I get is an Action of an AuthenaticationContainer. I tried to create a HttpHeaderAuthentication and add it to the container without any success.

Does anybody know how to replace the (domain-specific) header(HttpHeaderAuthentication) using an Action of an AuthenticationContainer instead?

Thanks in advance.

For reference see my code below:

getRepository = {String id →
return new Action() {
void execute(MavenArtifactRepository repository){
repository.credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials, newAction(){
void execute(HttpHeaderCredentialscredentials){“Private Token”
credentials.value = value
repository.authentication(newAction() {
voidexecute(AuthenticationContainer authentications) {
// does not work

I got the following working (all I did was paste your code and then tweak it until it compiled in my build.gradle, I also changed my getRepository into a function). I’m not sure how you weren’t getting all the same compile errors as me???

Action<MavenArtifactRepository> getRepository(String id)
    return new Action<MavenArtifactRepository>() {
        void execute(MavenArtifactRepository repository){
            repository.credentials(HttpHeaderCredentials, new Action<HttpHeaderCredentials>(){
                public void execute(HttpHeaderCredentials credentials){
          "Private Token"
                    credentials.value = "value"
            repository.authentication(new Action<AuthenticationContainer>() {
                public void execute(AuthenticationContainer authentications) {
                    println authentications

repositories {
    maven( getRepository("123") )


$ ~/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-4.10-bin/bg6py687nqv2mbe6e1hdtk57h/gradle-4.10/bin/gradle tasks

> Configure project :

> Task :tasks

Hi Chris!

Thanks for your reply. It does work right now :blush: