Configuration-specific project dependencies not working with multiple artifacts

I have a project ‘a’ that declares two artifacts, each to its own configuration.Another project ‘b’ has two configurations, each depending on one of the configurations from ‘a’. When the configuration is resolved, both of the ‘b’ configurations wind up pointing to the same configuration of ‘a’. This started happening in gradle 1.7 and is also in 1.8. In version 1.6, they resolved to different files.

Project ‘a’:

configurations {
task A1jar(type: Jar) {
    archiveName = 'A1.jar'
    destinationDir = file("build/tmplibs")
task A2jar(type: Jar) {
    archiveName = 'A2.jar'
    destinationDir = file("build/tmplibs")
artifacts {
    configA1 A1jar
    configA2 A2jar

Project ‘b’:

configurations {
dependencies {
    configB1 project(path:':a', configuration:'configA1')
    configB2 project(path:':a', configuration:'configA2')
task dumpConfig << {
    println configurations.configB1.files
    println configurations.configB2.files

So I’m expecting output like this (which is what Gradle 1.6 does)


But instead 1.7 and 1.8 both print


The real-world scripts I have fail because these configurations are used to compile java code, and the classpath becomes incorrect.

Is this a bug, or were we using the artifacts incorrectly before? Thanks,


Sounds like a bug that was fixed in a 1.8 RC. Can you double-check that you still have this problem with 1.8 final?

Yes, it’s happening on 1.8 final… I also tried the latest night build, 1.9-20130925220417+0000, same problem there too.

Confirmed and raised as GRADLE-2899. Thanks for reporting.

I tried this out in the latest nightbuild, and this specific test is working now, thanks. However, it fails with a slight variation… in project b, add both of the artifacts from a into the same configuration:

dependencies {
    configB1 project(path:':a', configuration:'configA1')
    configB1 project(path:':a', configuration:'configA2')
task dumpConfig << {
    println configurations.configB1.files.join("\n")

It will only print out one of these jars, not both… this is working in 1.6, but not 1.7, 1.8, or 1.10-20131009224447+0000.

Following the note on the bug, I tried putting a baseName on the artifacts in ‘a’ and that works around the issue.