i’ve tried to use postgresql in my script, eventually i’ve found a SO post that uses GroovyObject.class.classLoader that loads the class path from configuration that is predefined and it works.
just defining:
classpath 'postgresql:postgresql:9.1-901-1.jdbc4'
classpath group: 'commons-codec', name: 'commons-codec', version: '1.10'
for some reason doesn’t do the trick and the line:
def sql = Sql.newInstance(url, props, driver)
fails claiming it can’t find the driver.
using this code i can see the script’s class path does not contain the postgresql jar:
URLClassLoader loadert = this.class.classLoader loadert.getURLs().each { println("*** ${it}") }
just the compiled temp dir for the compiled groovy script.
but if i add in my script:
import org.apache.commons.codec.net.* URLCodec c = new URLCodec(); println(c.encode("http://myurl.com","utf-8"))
it does print it, so it IS in the classpath OR i’m somehow referring to the wrong classpath when printing.
so my questions are:
- how come i don’t see any of grrovy’s\java classes that are imported by default when gradle starts ?
- why do i see only the script own classes in the class path and how come i can call code that is NOT in the current classloader classpath ?
- if i CAN access those classes in buildScript.classpath from my script, why does groov.sql.Sql can’t find the postgresql ? why if i import it explicitly it’s found, could be that the groovy.sql.Sql takes like me the wrong classloader reference ?