Child projects with different names other than build.gradle

Hi, I haven seen in one of the webcast that it is possible to have the build file with a different name other that the default build.gradle in a multi build project. I would like to have a different name for the build file based on the project something like:

rootProject +


±- child1+













I know that this configuration has to be done in the settings.gradle, but don’t know the exact syntax, can anyone point me the details.

Thank you, Oscar

Here is how Gradle’s own build deals with this: = 'gradle'
rootProject.children.each {project ->
    String fileBaseName ="\p{Upper}") { "-${it.toLowerCase()}" }
    String projectDirName = "subprojects/$fileBaseName"
    project.projectDir = new File(settingsDir, projectDirName)
    project.buildFileName = "${fileBaseName}.gradle"
    assert project.projectDir.isDirectory()
    assert project.buildFile.isFile()

Thank you for pointing me to this example, I understand now how is done. Kind regards, Oscar