What does this mean?
Executing task ':openssl64:untarDist' (up-to-date check took 0.264 secs) due to:
Task ':openssl64:untarDist' additional action class path has changed.
This task has an explicit upToDateWhen on its outputs which returns true, but the task still gets executed due to
"additional action class path has changed."
I am not sure what this means. Can someone explain what it’s trying to tell me? It seems to mean from my experience that if you change something in buildSrc (I have a plugin defined there), every task defined in that plugin is out of date.
I find this very annoying because one of the tasks is a real long runner. Is there any way around it? I’d rather that my upToDateWhen closures on the tasks AND ONLY THEY determine when something has to be executed.