Calling build in task from a custom task?

How do I call build-in tasks from my custom gradle task? I need to download some dependencies to the root of my project in eg. tmp. But I need to delete the tmp folder before (cleanup) if it exists:

public class FetchDeps extends DefaultTask
  void fetchDependencies() {
    Project project = getProject();
    // File projectDir = project.getProjectDir();
    // Task byName = project.getTasks().getByName("Delete");
         task deleteTmp(type: Delete) {
        delete 'tmp' // if exists
          task copyToTmp(type: Copy) {
        into 'tmp'
        from configurations.runtime

A task cannot call other tasks; it can only depend on them. In this particular case, you could also use the ‘project.delete’ and ‘project.copy’ methods.

Thanks. The delete goes fine but how do I write the correct closure for the copy operation (the task is written in java):

  void fetchDependencies() {
    Project project = getProject();
    File tmpFolder = new File(project.getProjectDir(), "tmp");
    if(tmpFolder.exists()) {
  copyToLib(type: Copy) {
    into "libs"
    from configurations.runtime
          project.copy(new Closure<String>(tmpFolder) {
      public Closure asWritable() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return super.asWritable();

I have used Groovy’s MethodClosure in such cases, here is some example: