Hi all!
I tried to call task from another different tasks using ‘dependsOn’ a few times with different conditions.
gradle.properies group=a,b,c
def array=group.split(‘,’)
def var
task A{
println “taskA=”+var
task B{
println “taskB=”+var
task C{
println “taskC=”+var
array.eachWithIndex { letter, index →
task “newTask${index}” {
if (letter==‘a’) {
var = letter
dependsOn A
dependsOn B
} else {
var = letter
dependsOn A
dependsOn C
} else {
var = letter
dependsOn B
dependsOn C
You cannot have the same task run multiple times in the same build. Instead of creating ad-hoc tasks for A, B, and C , you should create custom task types for the work done by A, B, and C. You will then create multiple tasks of this type, configured with the correct variable. See Gradle Guide on Writing Gradle Tasks.
Your A task could look something like this:
class TaskA extends DefaultTask {
String var
void taskAction() {
println "taskA=${var}"
Your logic would then decide which two task types to create for each letter, set the var to that letter, and then add any task dependencies that you want.
Agree about the task-per-invocation. If the tasks are similar enough, you may consider using a task rules and ad-hoc task (rather than implementing full fledged custom task - see the example in the link).