the following works –
/** Points to the local repository structures used to hold external jars. */
def repositoryThirdParty = "file://$System.env.DEV_HOME/xxxx/third_party/java/"
repositories {
def repoPattern = '[module]/v[revision]/[artifact](-[classifier])(-[revision]).[ext]'
ivy {
ivyPattern repositoryThirdParty + repoPattern
artifactPattern repositoryThirdParty + repoPattern
/** Defines dependencies for scripts. */
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.gradle.api.plugins:gradle-gae-plugin:0.9'
/** Defines current versions of external jars so all build.gradle use same versions. */
ext {
jodaTime = ':joda-time:2.3'
/** Defines external jars that will be used by all build.gradle here to simplify dependencies. */
dependencies {
// external jars required for compiling
compile ext.jodaTime
// external jars required for testing
testCompile ':junit:4.11'
the following does not work as it cannot find the gae plugin under the buildscript depenedencies though the repositories are setup properly as they work fine for the compile dependencies –
/** Points to the local repository structures used to hold external jars. */
def repositoryThirdParty = "file://$System.env.DEV_HOME/xxxx/third_party/java/"
repositories {
def repoPattern = '[module]/v[revision]/[artifact](-[classifier])(-[revision]).[ext]'
ivy {
ivyPattern repositoryThirdParty + repoPattern
artifactPattern repositoryThirdParty + repoPattern
/** Defines dependencies for scripts. */
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath ':gradle-gae-plugin:0.9'
/** Defines current versions of external jars so all build.gradle use same versions. */
ext {
jodaTime = ':joda-time:2.3'
/** Defines external jars that will be used by all build.gradle here to simplify dependencies. */
dependencies {
// external jars required for compiling
compile ext.jodaTime
// external jars required for testing
testCompile ':junit:4.11'