I’m trying to build Gradle from sources (current master) and hit some problems:
SamplesToolingApiIntegrationTest in :tooling-api:integTest are failing due some Javac bug - https://gist.github.com/radimk/7143446 Debian Linux, JDK6u45. Is this a know problem? Any way how to avoid that?
MavenConversionIntegrationTest in :buildInit:integTest fails if I keep my ~/.m2/settings.xml in place. It sets up a mirror for Maven central repository. Pretty much same confing as in http://books.sonatype.com/nexus-book/reference/maven-sect-single-group.html with servers section added to specify authentication for this Nexus. Test output shows that my Nexus responds with 401 to requests performed during test run. I can temporarily move the file but it would be better if I could make the test more robust.
:performance:integTest - I don’t know what is the problem here yet. There are some outliers in the results but sometimes measured values are really above accepted threshold.
SamplesToolingApiIntegrationTest: use a newer (or perhaps older) JDK. Not sure about MavenConversionIntegrationTest; pull requests are welcome. And perhaps run performance tests separately (or not at all). We only run them on CI, and only on a dedicated performance test agent.
MavenConversionIntegrationTest in :buildInit:integTest fails if I keep my ~/.m2/settings.xml in place. It sets up a mirror for Maven central repository.
The test is bugged. They aren’t using the necessary test fixtures. Which tests are failing?
:performance:integTest - I don’t know what is the problem here yet. There are some outliers in the results but sometimes measured values are really above accepted threshold.