I have a medium-sized Eclipse plugin codebase that I inherited, which includes a handful of component plugins, a couple of features, a target platform, and an update site. It currently builds with Maven Tycho.
I recently discovered that one of the component plugins has a “lib” folder with a handful of third-party jars, which the plugin has in its classpath. I need to replace this with declarative dependencies.
I’m looking at several options for fixing this. One is mirroring the Maven repos that have those jars to p2 so my target platform can reference it. One is defining a new module that uses the “maven-bundle-plugin” to package the references in a bundle. Finally, I want to consider replacing the Maven build with a Gradle build.
I looked at the Wuff plugin. I looked at the docs, and found that they cover a very simple set of scenarios, and don’t really describe much about how the plugin works. None of the scenarios fit my situation, so I couldn’t figure out how to get that to work. I filed an issue in the github project, and I sent two emails to the author. No replies to any of that after a few weeks now. I later wrote a somewhat short note on this forum asking about this, with no reply except for Rene suggesting I contact the author.
I think I noticed discussions a while ago about packaging the Buildship infrastructure as a reusable set of plugins, but I haven’t heard much on this for a while.
So how should I move forward here?