Given a root project “myproject” with 3 subprojects: “mylib”, “myappdist” and “mywebdist”. The mylib subproject produces a jar on which the two dist projects rely using:
dependencies {
runtime (
myappdist produces a zip created using the gradle application plugin and the the mywebdist produces a war created using the gradle war plugin.
What I want is to add a “myDist” zip task to the “myproject” root project. That task should produce a single zip file that contains just the zip from myappdist and the war from mywebdist.
Here’s what I’ve done (I started with the “myappdist” subproject):
In the subproject, I addad:
apply plugin: 'application'
configurations {
artifacts {
dist distZip
And here’s what I was trying to do in the root project:
task systemZip(type: Zip) {
baseName = 'MyProject_Master_Archive'
from project(':myappdist').configurations.dist.allArtifactFiles
Doing so results in the failure: “Could not find property ‘dist’ on configuration container.”
When I list myappdist’s configurations in the root project using “project(’:myappdist’).configurations.each { println it }”, “dist” is, indeed, not present. However, when I list the configurations in the myappdist subproject directly using “project.configurations.each { println it }”, my “dist” configuration is present in the configuration.
What am I missing? Why is the systemZip task in the root project being executed before the subproject has been configured?!
Thanks for your help!
Best Regards, Mike