Bug when combining daemon with custom distribution

I have built a company Gradle distribution, and uploading it to the company Nexus.

It all works perfectly fine, except when I decide to add

org.gradle.daemon = true

in [home]/.gradle/gradle.properties

Then the build starts normally (it prints out my welcome message from init.gradle in my distribution)

But then I get this error:

  • What went wrong: A problem occured during configuring root project ‘gradle-distribution’. > java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/hirscht/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-[my-company]-1.11-bin/5hh5lfmkd5iumgpsqknplard3i/gradle-1.11/lib/plugins/gradle-diagnostics-1.11.jar (No such file or directory)

There seem to be two problems here:

  1. My custom distribution has no classifier “bin”. The path after “dists/” should be gradle-[my-company]-1.11, without “-bin”

  2. The hash directory name 5hh5lfmkd5iumgpsqknplard3i seems not to be correct, see here, after it dowloaded:

Unzipping /home/hirscht/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-1.11-[my-company]/fulil4j6qrjvhlk77d4f40spq/gradle-1.11-[my-company].zip to /home/hirscht/.gradle/wrapper/dists/gradle-1.11-[my-company]/fulil4j6qrjvhlk77d4f40spq

When I change the daemon entry in gradle.properties back to false, it works again.

