Would be nice to have a way of specifying required Gradle version in a plugin. Or is this possible already?
Hope this isn’t too silly, but I use
assert gradle.gradleVersion == ‘1.0-milestone-7’
in my build script.
Aha…so you have the gradle version available there…thanks!
Maybe I need to implement a little more logic in a plugin, so it works from m7 and up and not just on the specific version.
Would be nice if Gradle followed the Semantic Versioning scheme or something similar
(Consider a version format of X.Y.Z (Major.Minor.Patch). Bug fixes not affecting the API increment the patch version, backwards compatible API additions/changes increment the minor version, and backwards incompatible API changes increment the major version.)
Could not agree more!
Maybe they could use this java library . It can even be run against 2 versions of a jar file to check which version the newest should have, based on changes in the public API.
There are a handful of things that need to happen to make plugin development more practical with Gradle, this being one of them.
This is covered by this umbrella roadmap item .