Is it currently possible to “auto-discover” sibling projects in a multi-project build situation rather than specify them with setting.gradle? We have nearly 20 smallish projects that at different times will have project vs. jar dependencies depending on what a given coding effort calls for.
What I would like to have happen is that the run of a gradle build against a given project will navigate up one directory and search for sibling gradle projects. If a given sibling project is found, it becomes part of the multi-project build, if not found, the jar dependency would be used.
We currently manage the jar vs project with code in each sub-projects build.gradle that look like this:
if (isProjectCheckedOut(“module-dto”) )
compile project(’:module-dto’)
compile group:, name: ‘module-dto’, version:rootProject.version
where isProjectCheckedOut looks for the specified sibling project with some validation.
If this is not currently available “out of the box”, would the gradle plugin architecture allow for control of multi-project builds such that this is possible?