I have a Gradle plugin that implements Plugin<PluginAware> to be able to be applied to build.gradle and settings.gradle. The following works absolutely find in build.gradle
Why won’t the alias work in settings.gradle? Is there something the plugin does wrong? Or something the settings.gradle file does wrong? Or is this a bug in Gradle?
Does it need something different from applying to a project? It was not a theoretical question, I really apply the plugin to both, the project and the settings. And I use the very same JAR. Which contains a META-INF/gradle-plugins/pluginid.properties file with a implementation-class property.
I created another more self-contained example. You don’t need my wip or anything else, just the showcase from https://github.com/Vampire/settings-plugin-problem-showcase (git clone git@github.com:Vampire/settings-plugin-problem-showcase.git) and run ‘’’./gradlew --continue’’’. Then you will see that it works by name in build.gradle always and that it also works by name in settings gradle if the plugin lives in buildSrc. But if the plugin is pulled in as dependency, in this case direclty as JAR, but I also tried through an Ivy repository, then it only works by classname, not by alias.
Rene, were you able to reproduce the problem with this showcase? Can you confirm that this is a gradle bug and not a problem of the plugin or the usage of it?