I found a bunch of ‘fatJar’ questions all over the internet and tried to implement my own solution. I can’t get it working however. This is what I currently have;
def allJarSubprojects = subprojects.findAll {
it.name == 'subproject1' ||
it.name == 'subproject2 ||
it.name == 'subproject3'
// We need to make sure the relevant subprojects are evaluated first.
allJarSubprojects.each { subproject -> evaluationDependsOn(subproject.path) }
// Actual task producing the fat jar.
task allJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = 'fatjar'
destinationDir = new File('./lib')
// set dependencies of this allJar task
allJarSubprojects.each { subproject -> dependsOn subproject.tasks["classes"] }
// create a jar from all the subproject's artifacts
allJarSubprojects.each { subproject ->
// no property 'allArtifactFiles'
//from subproject.configurations.archives.allArtifactFiles.collect { zipTree(it) }
// works but doesn't pack the META-INF or other extra folders
//from subproject.sourceSets.main.output
// works but packs all dependencies of the subprojects too which we don't want
//from subproject.configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) }
I am trying to keep the list of subprojects to be packed easy to configure so I can do it from the properties file later on.
The second line I have (based on sourceSets) works but doesn’t include some special META-INF files from some subprojects ( like a gradle-plugins folder ).
The third approach packs everything, all dependencies of the subprojects too, into one gigantic Jar. This is not the objective, I only want the subproject’s files in there.
It feels like the ‘allArtifactFiles’ approach would do that but I can’t get that one working.