Task ':app:compileDebugAidl' class path has changed

Hi Fabian.

Thank you very much for the new logs. I would still like to understand why org.gradle.internal.hash.FileHasher can’t be resolved for your project, but it doesn’t really matter for the problem we are trying to solve (it would be great if you could provide me with a full stacktrace).
The sha1s of the files are sufficient. It seems like the Android plugin jars shipped with Android studio are different from the ones in your Gradle repository cache. E.g. <home>/.gradle/caches/jars-3/d15c489eefc089360ed43525f2f8dd09/gradle-3.0.0-beta6.jar is different to <home>/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.android.tools.build/gradle/3.0.0-beta6/948b8c05b40b5f607a49d58e7c66a95faa61134f/gradle-3.0.0-beta6.jar. These jars should actually be the same. Please have a look at the diff of these to files to get an understanding what happened there.
I think we cannot do something in Gradle to fix this problem but the Android plugin/Android Studio needs to be fixed to either

  • not ship a file repository
  • ship the same artifacts in the file repository as are uploaded in the public maven repository.

I would prefer if they just would not configure a file repository in Android Studio at all.


Hi Stefan,

all-right it looks like Google has to do some work here.
Thank you again for your time.

Regarding the other (for-me-unimportant ;)) issue: I’m using the gradle-wrapper with sources, and this is all that AStudio is able to resolve in the package:

The difference seems to be in signing. Android ships an additional


Stefan, I now use Android Studio 3, the problem has shifted slightly. Can you look at my problem here:

This should be fixed in Android Gradle plugin 3.1. Can you confirm?