Problems uploading archives to a webdav maven repository

I can confirm this is still an issue in 1.4. I tried with wagon-webdav 2.4 as well and same error about DateParseException. Any ideas on this?

No one has found a solution. Are you sure you need to use WebDAV? Most have resolved this by just using the plain HTTP transport.

The problem I am having with the plain HTTP provider is it will not create missing directories in the repository (for when a version changes). Is their a simple way around that?

What’s the server you’re pushing to?

Its an internal Apache HTTP server with mod_dav. If I create the parent folder structure everything is fine. If the parent folder is missing I get a 403 error.

@Cory: Did you try using …

dependencies {
  deployerJars 'org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav:1.0-beta-2'

As Cedric suggested?

That appears to work, thanks!

The problem is still the same with ‘org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav-jackrabbit:2.4’. Could you please update the userguide to point to ‘org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav:1.0-beta-2’ instead of jackrabbit, or at least mention it as an alternative. I spent quite some time until I stumbled upon this thread. As for the reason I need webdav, well its what cloudbees offers for their repositories.

I’m on it. Thanks for the reminder.