Maven-publish plugin ignores some compile/runtime dependencies

I’ve encountered a problem with the ‘maven-publish’ plugin when generating a POM for a griffon plugin project that uses the ‘griffon’ configuration supplied by the gradle-griffon-plugin. The griffon configuration is used to parse BOM files and may result in multiple dependencies being added to several configurations. This mechanism is triggered before incoming dependencies are resolved, as witnessed in the code at

Everything works fine when the code is compiled. The problem arises when the POM is generated. Take for example the following build file taken from the griffon-hibernate4-plugin (

dependencies {
    compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:$hibernateVersion",
    griffon 'org.codehaus.griffon.plugins:griffon-datasource-plugin:1.1.0'

This results produces the same result as if the dependencies were expressed as

dependencies {
    compile "org.hibernate:hibernate-core:$hibernateVersion",
    compile 'org.codehaus.griffon.plugins:griffon-datasource-core:1.1.0'

But the generated POM only contains the hibernate dependencies (those with explicit compile configuration) and ignores everything else, as witnessed by

I wonder if the maven-publish plugin somehow parses dependencies ahead of time, before the griffon configuration has a chance to do its work. Or is it the case that the griffon configuration is doing its work too late?

Any hints would be greatly appreciated.

The ‘maven-publish’ plugin is still work in progress. There are some issues around configuration ordering with it and there is no feature parity with the old plugin, e.g. it does not support artifact signing. I would suggest to try reverting to ‘maven’ plugin whenever you hit issues with ‘maven-publish’. Can you please see if you have the same problem when using ‘maven’ plugin instead and report back?