Ivy pattern metadta "[originalname]" not recognized for publication

I am using Gradle 2.4 and the AWS S3 support for publication.
I am attempting to publish- an “rpm” built with the ospackage plugin.
Ideally I would like to maintain the name that the ospackage generated so I tried this gradle snippet

publishing {
	  repositories {
		  ivy {
	     url "${awsRepoBucket_nexstra}"
	     credentials(AwsCredentials) {
	   	   accessKey "${awsAccessKey}"
  		   secretKey "${awsSecretKey}"
    	layout "pattern" , {
    	  artifact "rpms/[module]/[originalname]"

publishing {
  publications {
   bootstrap(IvyPublication) {
	  artifact( bootstrapRpm ) {
		  organisation 'com.myorg'
      module 'bootstrap'
      revision '1.0'

The resulting S3 path chosen is
Upload s3://mybucket/repo/bootstrap/%5Boriginalname%5D

From this page which is refernced from the gradle docs , I should be able to use Ivy metatadata patterns,


At minimum if Gradle doesnt support all metadata tokens, the list of supported tokens would be very useful.
Ideally supporting the [originalname] token would be useful.

Note; Both the Ivy descriptor and the rpm file were pushed to the same URL above …