Is it possible to generate a Tycho Pom?

Hello everyone, I am currently building an Eclipse RCP Application with Tycho, which has multiple subprojects. Because Gradle is the build tool of my choice I would rather handle the version management in Gradle, since not every sub project has the same version number and is worked on separately by different people. I know it is possible to generate a pom with Gradle, I just wanted to ask if there is a way I could give gradle for example the text of my Tycho Pom as a String and just change the version number to a $versionNumber variable, let Gradle generate the pom and then execute the build. Is there an easy way for this kind of pom generation?

Thanks in advance!

Sad but true, gradle does not support building rcp apps out-of-the-box. Maybe you should go with maven.

If you are still interested in finding the solution: today I released new gradle plugin, Wuff v0.0.1, which does it all - assemble OSGi/Equinox/Eclipse-RCP/Eclipse-IDE bundles and applications. It even supports multiple Eclipse versions and allows to easily switch to the desired version.

Source code and doc here:

Wuff artifacts are available at jcenter and maven central.