How to add custom properties to dependency configurations?

Thanks @Vampire, artifact transform is exactly what I was looking for.

We decided to create 2 different configurations, and apply transform for the one which we want to be extracted.

There is another issue that we are facing now while resolving the configurations. So consider configurations implementationAblSource and compilePropath, where compilePropath extends implementationAblSource.

Now, implementationAblSource is transformed (extracted) and when resolving this configuration i.e. using implementationAblSource.files is returning the transformed folders, but compilePropath.files is still returning the files and not the transformed folders. Is this expected behavior or am I missing something?

Sample script used:

import org.gradle.api.artifacts.transform.TransformParameters
abstract class Unzip implements TransformAction<TransformParameters.None> { 
    abstract Provider<FileSystemLocation> getInputArtifact()

    void transform(TransformOutputs outputs) {
        def input = inputArtifact.get().asFile
		println "input $input"
        def unzipDir = outputs.dir(  
		println "unzipDir $unzipDir"                            
        unzipTo(input, unzipDir)                                            

    private static void unzipTo(File zipFile, File unzipDir) {
        // implementation...

def processed = Attribute.of('processed', Boolean)
def artifactType = Attribute.of('artifactType', String)

		attributes.attribute(processed, true)

dependencies {
	attributesSchema {
	artifactTypes.getByName("pl") {
        attributes.attribute(processed, false);
    registerTransform(Unzip) {
		from.attribute(processed, false).attribute(artifactType, "pl")
        to.attribute(processed, true).attribute(artifactType, "pl")

dependencies {
    implementationAblSource ('<group>:<module1>:<version>:<classifier>@pl')
    implementationAblSource ('<group>:<module2>:<version>:<classifier>@pl')

println configurations.implementationAblSource.files //prints the transformed folders
println configurations.compilePropath.files //prints the module files